Free 4-day Challenge: Become A Successful Business Yogi

Learn the most important steps to bring yoga into the business world in four sessions

Are you a yogi, yogi teacher or a yoga lover?

And do you feel inspired to bring yoga into the business world?

Or do you want to become more entrepreneurial as a yoga fan?

And are you looking to breakthrough any blocks that stop you from doing this?

And learn the steps, skills and mindsets to become a successful business yogi?

What will we be doing in the "Become A Successful Business Yogi" Challenge?

Spirituele business challenge

Day 1: Breaking Through Your Blocks

Do you tell yourself all kinds of stories why you cannot be successful? Do you hold yourself back to do something you would love to do? In day 1 we will work on the blocks business yogis face. Which ones do you experience? How do you recognize this? And how can you release them?

introductie training kundalini yoga waarin je de basis leert over kriya meditatie en pranayama

DAY 2: Your Business Yogi Mindset

How do you enter the world of business with confidence as a yogi? What should be your identity, beliefs, thoughts and feelings to become successful. You learn to create an invincible mindset. 

introductie training kundalini yoga waarin je de basis leert over kriya meditatie en pranayama

DAY 3: Your Business Yoga Program

In this session you will work on creating a simple business yoga program. What ingredients do you need? How do adjust yoga and meditation in the business world.

introductie training kundalini yoga waarin je de basis leert over kriya meditatie en pranayama

DAY 4: Your Roadmap To Become A Successful Business Yogi

You have released your blocks. You have an invincible mindset and a business yoga program. Now how to make it into a success? In this session we share with you 9 essential steps to become a successful business yogi. 

How does the challenge work?

  • Daily live sessions from 10.00 with Guru Gian (Jasper Kok) and Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa
  • Spiritual and yogic exercises to open yourself up
  • Coaching exercises to bring the business yogi out of you. 
  • Practical exercises to help you build a successful business yoga business
  • A closed community to share your experiences
  • 1-to-1 feedback to help you on your path!

This is what you will learn:

  • How to connect to your spiritual core
  • How to make peace with limiting thoughts and transform them into constructive thoughts
  • Recognize, acknowledge, accept en release blocks
  • Taking 100% responsibility for your life and your success 
  • How to think as a business yogi
  • The 5 essential yogic exercises to include in a successful business yoga program
  • What business need and how to create a business yoga program that sells itself.
  • Which steps you can take today to become more successful
  • A roadmap for success
  • and much more!

Practical Information


Tuesday 25th of January till Friday 28th




Every morning at 10.00 (Central European Time) we go LIVE

What else:

Including online learning environment & community

Do you want to grow as a Business Yogi? And enjoy the process more?

Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa

Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa, Kundalini Yoga teacher and author of "Bye Bye Stress in 9 Minutes or Less" and the book ‘How To Become A Conscious Leader"

She became a Business Yoga specialist in order to help professionals relax and better themselves at work, without the stress of finding time to carve out of their busy schedules.  For 3 years, she suffered from an RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury), which made her work life very uncomfortable. This is when she discovered Kundalini Yoga.

After starting her training in Kundalini Yoga, her purpose in life became clear: "It was my mission to make people aware that they are worth making themselves their own top priority. When a person becomes their own top priority, they become an invaluable component to their company, to their fellow employees, and most importantly, they become invaluable to themselves."

In the book, our trainings and our programs, we’ll share with you what we’ve learned and have been able to successfully apply.

Guru Gian (Jasper Kok)

Since 2007 I, Jasper Kok, am a full-time yogi and also a full-time entrepreneur. What started out as just teaching a class here and there, has grown into a full-fledged company with a growing turnover every year, international trainings and hundreds of (business) clients every year. But this did not happen by itself. I had to learn a lot about myself and entrepreneurship. You have to do something to become successful. In my years as an entrepreneur, I have learned what works and what doesn't. How to grow from the inside and from the outside. And how to build a successful business that is in balance with your own spiritual values. One does not have to exclude the other. 

Spirituele business challenge

What other people say about our business yoga:

Sat Kirtan brings her deep devotion, her wonderful smile and her endless steadyness to the wisdom of Kundalini Yoga together with her warm heart and openness to everybody’ s need.


“Working with Sat Kirtan has completely changed my life. With a very demanding job and a young family, time is limited and very expensive. I never considered doing this, but it gave me so many tools that I didn't even realize I already had them to make professional and personal progress. I will not stop here. I recommend everyone to do this program.'

Leythem Wall, Owner Oxon IP.

“Because of the spiritual environment for me, I had to get used to Sat Kirtan, I thought. But because of her loving energy combined with the resolute and analytical feedback, she turned out to be the ultimate combination for me. Thankful that Sat Kirtan came on my path and I now see what she told me six months ago.”

Lisa van Roode, entrepeneur, Team Big B.V.

I joined the NineMinMax Business Yoga sessions given twice a week during lunchbreaks at work. I would come feeling stressed, tired or frustrated. And I always left refreshed, happy and relaxed. Ready to go back to work. In half an hour I was guided in simple but effective yoga exercises. I got tips on how to them by myself as well. I can really recommend the NineMinMax Business Yoga services. Just contact them and try it yourself.’

Shangita Bose, Business Analyst ING

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