Free 3-day Challenge: Live Your Best Life With Kundalini Yoga!

To live more fully, connect deeper with your body and more love for yourself!

5-7 May 2025

Do you want to learn to live fully?

Do you want a deeper connection with your body?

Living the best version of yourself?

What will we be doing in the Kundalini Yoga Challenge?

Spirituele business challenge

Day 1: Awakening Kundalini Energy

Kundalini Energy is your life force. In order to feel radiant and energized we must access this powerful energy. Today we teach you 3 powerful secrets for awakening this energy.

introductie training kundalini yoga waarin je de basis leert over kriya meditatie en pranayama

DAY 2: Using Kundalini Energy For Your Personal Growth

Awakening Kundalini Energy is a great start. But it is not the end of our journey. Once we have awakened this energy we start using this energy and direct this energy into our life. We use powerful coaching techniques to break through any blocks. Be ready for transformation!

introductie training kundalini yoga waarin je de basis leert over kriya meditatie en pranayama

DAY 3: Living Your Best Version Every Day

In the 3rd day of this challenge we share with you our system for using Kundalini Energy in order to live the best version of our selves. this system you can use to improve your own life or to share it with others!

How does the challenge work?

  • Daily live sessions from 10.00 CET with  Guru Gian (Jasper Kok)
  • Kundalini exercises to open yourself up 
  • Coaching exercises to bring the best out of yourself
  • Practical exercises to deepen the connection with yourself
  • A closed community to share your experiences
  • 1-to-1 feedback to help you on your path!
tantric coach

This is what you will learn:

  • An introduction into Kundalini Yoga
  • How to live a Yogic lifestyle while being active and successful in daily life
  • How to invite more energy in your life on a daily basis.
  • Learn to master your mind.
  • How to connect to your deepest self.
  • Taking 100% responsibility for your life and your happiness.
  • Which steps you can take today to develop yourself further.
  • ... and much more!

Practical Information


Monday, 5th May - Wednesday, 7th May




Every morning at 10.00 (Central European Time) we go LIVE)

What else:

Including online learning environment & community

Do you want to deepen the connection with yourself? And learn your truest potential? Live more fully while loving every part of yourself?

Guru Gian (Jasper Kok)

Jasper is a renowned Kundalini Yoga teacher & coach in the Netherlands and abroad. He has successfully launched the international Kundalini Yoga Coaching level 1 & 2 and the largest online Kundalini Yoga Platform the Kundalini Yoga Club in the Netherlands. Jasper has coached thousands of people to a healthy, happy, conscious and successful life both in the business world as normal life. He has a big heart and supports many other teachers and coaches in their growth.

Jasper started his tantric path with Kundalini Yoga almost 20 years ago and in the last years studying and practicing the broader tantric tradition. Jasper loves coaching and supporting others to succeed is his main drive in life. 

Spirituele business challenge

What other people say

"One of the best things I ever did for myself" 

 I can recommend this to anyone interested to coach themselves and others. Beautiful mixture of yogic knowledge and practices and coaching strategies and approaches. Designed and taught by Jasper Kok this is a truly unique training and experience. That my doula business and family café are becoming a reality is in large part because of this training!”

Amrit Dev Kaur Khalsa - Yoga teacher, Teacher Trainer, Doula, Entrepreneur

"I feel happy and grateful" 

Guru Gian teaches with deep respect, an enormous amount of knowledge and above all from the heart. He gives you all the principles and techniques you need. I enjoyed the training and feel really grateful. Not only can I coach myself, but also others because I now truly know the power of Kundalini Yoga.

Barbara - Consultant

"It was even above my expectations"

At the end of the first level of the training I can tell it completely fulfilled and was even above my expectations. It was a good mixture  of theoretical knowledge and the best of Kundalini Yoga and coaching. After the first module we already were empowered and able to use and the skills and techniques to bring changes into our lives and to others. Additionally, the course was very well organized, a beautiful environment and we had a lot of fun with very interesting and energetic participants. 

Suzanna D'agostini Slovenia

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